Monday's Mac Gadget is here to help you with those cool things that we all just have to have on our Macs. Shareware, Freeware, Postcardware, Emailware, and even commercial apps, Monday's Mac Gadget is here to help you find and use the best of these programs.
John is a software engineer who works in the corporate R&D group of a Fortune 500 company, focusing on all aspects of communications technology. He has several degrees that claim he knows what he's doing when it comes to computers. After watching co-workers reinstall Windows, search for device drivers, and experience other horrors during the day, he's glad that he comes home to a Mac (compatible) computer. Have any comments, suggestions, or favorite Gadgets? Drop John a line at [email protected]
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Current Monday's Mac Gadget
  • Want to Supercharge Your Dock? Check Out Todos! - August 21st
  • Worried About Your Mac Getting Jacked? Get JackSMS - June 12th
  • Want iChat with Tabs? Try Chax! - April 3rd
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